TUKN Membership

Terms & Conditions


Membership is continuous until revoked in writing (via email) and acknowledged. Fees for membership are determined by the TASK-UK Network Council and are subject to change. Members will be notified by email of any changes to membership fees; the website will detail other changes. Members will be given at least 1 months notice of any membership price changes. Members are required to pay their membership fee on a monthly basis. If for whatever reason a member's monthly subscription is not paid, it will lead to their membership to TASK-UK Network being withdrawn until rectified. Membership payments not received within one month of becoming due will result in an administration fee of £30. Should the membership not be paid up it will be considered cancelled and all membership services may be suspended.


If a member would like to cancel their membership they will need to give one month notice via email to info@taskuknetwork.org.

Cancellation of membership to TASK-UK Network means you will no longer be eligible to promote yourself as a 'Registered Systematic Kinesiologist' on our website, nor will you be able to use the TASK-UK Network logo on your promotional material, including your website.


Refunds are discretionary on a case by case basis.

Practising Certificates

  • Upon admission to Practitioner or Diploma Graduate Membership, TASK-UK Network will issue a Certificate of Competence to Practice which will be renewed annually.
  • Diploma Graduate Members who have undertaken and passed the TASK Instructor Training will receive an Annual Certificate of Competence to Teach the Foundation Course in basic Systematic Kinesiology under the auspices of TASK.
  • Annual Certificates may be withdrawn or withheld if professional misconduct has taken place, where subscriptions have not been paid, or where evidence of adequate current insurance is not in place.

Continued Professional Development

All Members running a practice are required to fulfil the minimum annual number of post-graduate training hours set by the council. This currently amounts to 21 hours or 3 full days of training.

Membership Designation

Practitioner and Diploma Graduate Members who are issued with practising certificates are designated professional 'Registered Systematic Kinesiologists' and may then promote themselves to the public as such with the letters Cert. TASK for Practitioner and Dip. TASK for Diploma graduates after their names.

National Register of Practicing Members

TASK-UK Network publishes and maintains, a full Register of practising members. The Register is available to the public to ensure they have access to professionals who offer high standards of Systematic Kinesiology including responsible muscle testing, treatment and counselling skills.

Malpractice Insurance

It is the responsibility of all Members in public practice as practitioners of Systematic Kinesiology, to ensure they are adequately insured to meet any claims from the public arising from their practice of Systematic Kinesiology.

The Professional Practices Committee retains the right to call for evidence of Member's insurance cover at their discretion. Failure to provide for adequate insurance cover will result in loss of membership to TASK-UK Network. TASK-UK Network cannot be held responsible for any claims against Members arising from their public practice.


All members agree to the above Membership Terms and Conditions and also agree to abide by TASK-UK Network's code of Ethics and Practice and the Ethos. Please refer to our Practitioner Code of Ethics and Practice to fully understand how TASK-UK Network operates.

Correspondence on any matters regarding TASK-UK Network or the conduct of its Members should be sent in writing to The Secretary, TASK-UK Network, 16, Iris Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NH or via email to info@taskuknetwork.org

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