TUKN Code of Ethics & Practice
For the purpose of regulating the practice of Systematic Kinesiology, the Council have approved the following Code of Ethics and Practice as set out below, which are designed to ensure TASK-UK Network sets high standards of both continued training and practice for all members who practice Systematic Kinesiology either as professional Practitioners or as student members. Compliance with the Code of Ethics and practice is a condition of membership to the Network.
A written Code of Ethics & Practice is an essential foundational document for any responsible professional body. The purpose of the Code of Ethics & Practice of the TASK-UK Network is to provide a framework to regulate the conduct of its Student, Practitioner and Diploma Graduates in their use of Kinesiology, and to protect the public from inappropriate, or improper uses of Systematic Kinesiology.
Since individual views on Kinesiological practice may vary widely, interpretation of simple general guidelines may be such that some individuals could determine their own ways of using Systematic Kinesiology which may not be reliable or accurate. It is necessary to be very specific concerning what is acceptable to the TASK-UK Network.
Independent individuals or groups may, under the law, behave in practice and use Kinesiology as they wish, however, we set the guidelines for Systematic Kinesiology to keep it undiluted. All practising TASK-UK Network members agree to abide by the constraints of this document and will be required to sign a form which attests to the fact that they have read and understood the TASK-UK Network Code of Ethics.
This Code is designed to protect TASK-UK Network Members, and assist them to avoid procedures which may bring themselves, Systematic Kinesiology or TASK-UK Network into disrepute.
This Code aims to protect the good name of Systematic Kinesiology and to help to avoid members of the public from forming incorrect impressions about Systematic Kinesiology, how it is practised and what it is to be used for.
Practitioner Code of Ethics and Practice
- Members will always act in the best interests of their clients at all times recognising a duty to act with due diligence and integrity.
- Members, moral conduct and relations with clients will be proper in every way, courteous, and tactful, fully respecting the trust placed in the Member by the client.
Areas of misconduct include:
- Any act of indecency, whether sexual or otherwise.
- Any act of dishonesty.
- Any behaviour which could be construed as bringing Kinesiology, the Network, or its members into disrepute, or which might undermine public confidence in Systematic Kinesiology.
- Making any statement concerning, or alluding to, diagnosing the possibility of a person's having a pathological condition or any statement about any disease or condition of a person which cannot be substantiated.
- Any breach of confidentiality.
- New clients must be asked what medical advice they have sought and received, and if they have not recently consulted a doctor about the condition of their health, they should be recommended to do so. It is legal for anyone to refuse medical treatment, so no one can be forced to consult a doctor, but such advice, if given and refused, should be recorded on the notes for the member's protection. Members avoid being judgemental or critical of the client in any way and will never undermine their confidence in any actions the client may decide are in their best interest.
- Members are to conduct themselves as being complementary to, and not "alternative" to orthodox approaches to health care.
- Members will make it clear that they are not doctors (unless they are so qualified) Members will refer clients to a qualified medical practitioner, or another suitably qualified practitioner in all cases where a client's problem is recognised to be outside the scope of the professional knowledge and experience of the member.
- Practitioners will ensure that they themselves are medically and mentally fit to practice. If there is any possibility that they may be themselves contagious or unwell, embers will cease practice until fit.
- In cases where a client is delegated to a Member by a medical practitioner, it is recognised that the doctor remains clinically accountablefor the client and for the care offered by the Member.
- Practitioners must maintain records of client's details which shall include details of medical history, together with details and dates of treatment and advice given. These records shall be kept confidential in a locked cabinet or behind a locked door and shall not be available to a third party without the consent of the client, except when required by due process of law.
- Instructions or prescriptions given by a medical practitioner to a client shall not in any way be countermanded by the Member. The client should always be referred back to their doctor for advice.
- Members must not solely attend women in childbirth nor for ten days thereafter, unless they hold an accepted qualification in midwifery. Being a chosen birthing partner for support is acceptable.
- It is a criminal offence to fail to provide proper medical care for a child under the age of sixteen, deny access to medical facilities, or to suggest or coerce anyone to cause a child not to receive medical care. It is also imperative to obtain the permission of the child itself in children over seven years old to work with them with Kinesiology.
- Children under 16 need a parent, adult family member or legal guardian present as a chaperone during the Systematic Kinesiology session. If the Parent or legal guardian feels the minor would benefit more from the session without them present, full consent needs to be written and signed for.
- Practitioners must not treat venereal disease as defined in the 1917 Act.
- Practitioners must not use manipulation or vigorous deep tissue massage outside what they have been taught unless they are appropriately qualified so to do.
- Practitioners may offer/suggest tested remedies, herbs, supplements, foods although not prescribe medicines or medical products unless their training and qualifications entitle them to do so.
- Members shall explain fully all the procedures likely to be involvedin the session, including the likely length and content of consultation, number of visits, and fees.
- No third party may be present during the course of any form of consultation or therapy without the consent of the client.
- Kinesiological Muscle Testing Procedures:
- Kinesiological muscle testing procedures approved by the TASK-UK Network are of the type of Kinesiological Muscle Response Testing procedures as defined and recommended by members of the International College of Systematic Kinesiology. (I.C.A.K.)
- Manual muscle testing is used to evaluate body function from the responses obtained through the body's neuromuscular pathways. It provides an additional dimension to the assessment of human dysfunction. Its greatest value is in dealing with functional problems. Kinesiology is also invaluable for evaluating the impact on the nervous system of endogenous and exogenous stimuli.
- The manual muscle test evaluates the ability of aspects of the body's controlling mechanisms, and the nervous system, to adapt the muscle to meet the changing pressure of the test. Muscle testing is a science and is also an art which requires thorough training in order to obtain reliable results.
- Muscle testing is only to be used on those subjects who give explicit permission for the procedure without any duress or persuasion whatsoever. (Permission to test is not necessarily an unlimited licence to utilise Kinesiological or other practices on an individual, so permission to correct imbalances must also be sought. Full explanations of the corrections will be given to ensure the comfort of the client)
- Self-testing is not permitted to be used or shown to the client within Systematic Kinesiology sessions.
- The careful, tactful use of Systematic Kinesiology and Muscle testing is recommended to facilitate a non-invasive interactive assessment and treatment of the functional status of an individual:
- To assist the client who wishes to ascertain which areas of mental anxiety and emotional stress are causing or exacerbating any condition or reduction in well-being, which give changes in muscle function and to find procedures which enhance the person's ability to deal with those areas of emotional stress in a level, mature, stable and balanced way.
- To assess the person's reaction to specific definitive verbal statements which challenge the nervous system, and which cause a change in muscle response.
- To assess the effect on muscle response of recalling past traumatic events, and of specific physical positions in which injury and emotional distress were sustained in the past.
- To check a person's beneficial strengthening response to foods, or nutrition and also to determine whether any given substance is having an adverse effect on the individual, to discover nutritional deficiencies and which nutrients will enable the person to correct their diet. All testing is to be done with the nutrient stimulating the subject's gustatory or olfactory receptors around the mouth, jaw or the neck.
- To determine muscle function and to find structural imbalances, and determine the optimum procedures to obtain balance. To check the effect of exercises on individuals, and advise which will be most beneficial.
- To locate imbalances in the energy meridians of the body and to determine ways to correct those imbalances in order to enhance function and well-being.
- To work with the boundaries of MCPE and the techniques that are taught within the TASK, ICAK or CPD approved syllabus'. Any other modality that Systematic Kinesiologists may also be qualified in that is not specifically related, for example, reiki, shamanic work, past life regression, other kinesiology's that use asking the body questions in a YES/NO format need to be practised in a separate clearly defined session.
- The use of Systematic Kinesiological Muscle Testing is not suitable for, and will not be used by bona fide members:
- To diagnose pathology. Members are cautioned to avoid any reference to pathological conditions, or to any possible future such conditions in the context of testing. Members will state clearly to clients that they are not trained in the diagnosis of pathology unless they do have such training and professional qualifications.
- To attempt to assess "energy levels" of internal organs, or the likelihood of there being underlying energy disturbances in internal organs, with a view to determining if the subject has suppressed or latent potential for pathology, even by inference or deduction.
- To attempt to determine answers to verbal questions of a Yes/No nature. For example; Does this person need to be balanced? Or/Is this the right goal for this person? Such questions contain many subsidiary questions and are so amorphous in intent and meaning that it is not possible to make any reliable accurate conclusions from muscle testing responses. This is not to state that responses may not be forthcoming, merely that any such response could have many interpretations, and are unreliable, not reproducible, and are non-scientific. Statements as a challenge are reliable.
- To attempt to access information from any individual concerning previous generations, supernatural spirits or 'past lives'.
- As a means to attempt to access information about any subject which is not within the experience or knowledge of the tester, or the subject, or their memory banks. Examples: Attempting to determine the sex of unborn children, the outcome of any future event, etc.
- To 'dowse' or 'divine' for information, or use pendulum dowsing within a Systematic Kinesiology session. If the client has specifically sought a qualified dowser who dowses, and also practices Kinesiology this needs to be practised in a different clearly defined session.
- To attempt to 'read' muscle response to written questions or statements placed on the body.
- Members may not offer to cure any condition or to offer any cure for any problem.The clear statement of Systematic Kinesiology is that by rectifying imbalances in relieving mental distress and restoring mental equilibrium, helping with dietary/nutritional suggestions, balancing structure and energy flow enhances a person's innate ability to heal themselves. This does not imply that any disease process will be reversed, or any condition will cease to exist as a result of using Systematic Kinesiological muscle testing and balancing procedures. When Systematic Kinesiological balancing is performed efficiently, and at the optimum time spacing of sessions which appear to be most beneficial for each individual, the health, immune system and well-being of the person almost always improve, often dramatically.
- Hygiene and cleanliness: Practitioners will maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. Eating, drinking, and smoking is not to be permitted in the working or other areas used by clients. Clothes worn when working with clients will be clean. A uniform is suggested or another form of smart clothing, jeans and T-shirts are not acceptable. Handwashing before and after each client is mandatory. Fingernails will be kept clean and of an appropriate length. Any cuts or wounds will be properly covered.
- Administration: Appointments will be kept in a diary for that purpose alone. Clients wherever possible will be given written confirmation of initial appointments and the fees involved. Receipts shall be given on request.
- Advertisements shall be confined to notices that draw attention to the benefits and practice of Systematic Kinesiology being complementary health care, the qualifications of the practitioner and offer a general service, and shall not contain any claims of a cure, or mention a disease.
- Premises are to be kept clean and tidy. All passages and doorways will be unobstructed. Toilet and washing facilities are to be available for clients. Premises are to be well lit, to office regulation standards. All electrical items will be safe and used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Premises are to be insured for Public Liability, a First Aid Kit is to be maintained in operational condition.